First of all, thank you for visiting my blog and site!
My name is Kris and I am a Virtual Assistant. Well not just a virtual assistant, but also a small business owner, mother of two, dog mom to one, spouse, daughter, sister, godmother, cousin, friend, recreational athlete, and more.
I list off my different roles, or titles if you will, because to have this many takes having some serious skills. Some of these skills, I have been well known for and developing since I was just a child. I was that organized child, who knew all the deadlines, and always submitted my work on time while being involved in a number of extra-curriculars.
As I grew, before I was officially a mom, I was referred to as the “mom” of my friend group. My bag was always overpacked, ready for any possible scenario, checking that the details of our hangout were clear to all, and a notebook or agenda always on hand (even after I had a cellphone), just in case I needed it.
I couldn’t help myself then and still can’t help myself now when it comes to organizing the basics of life and business – communication (usually emails, but also text/phone), scheduling (multiple calendars, appointments, tasks), and documentation (client files, important documents, lists, SOPs).
This why I became a Virtual Assistant.
I like handling the day-to-day repetitive tasks that must get done and are actually so important to running a successful business. Not everyone enjoys this part of business. I get that and so I offer that regular support as often as needed.
Just need Inbox management support?
No problem. Let me do that for you a couple of hours a week, but spread out over 5 days a week.
Just need your Drive files cleaned up and reorganized?
Great. A one time clean up can be done for you with an SOP to help you keep your files organized going forward.
Clients need rescheduling or to be scheduled in, but busy actually seeing / treating clients?
Not a problem. I can reach out to them for you using agreed upon booking boundaries and email scripts.
If any of this sounds intriguing to you, let’s chat!
Email me at [email protected] or reach out on Instagram @daytodayamin

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